lundi 31 août 2015

The myth of adrenal fatigue


Did you overwork your adrenal glands or are you getting worked by mythology and marketing?

by Kamal Patel and Kurtis Frank


If you’ve ever visited a supplement store in an effort to alleviate the symptoms of fatigue, you might have been told you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue. This is a common error. In short, adrenal
fatigue doesn’t actually exist.

“Adrenal fatigue” is a marketing buzz term designed to sell
products. Though the supposed symptoms of adrenal fatigue— including brain fog, difficulty paying attention and lethargy—are real, adrenal fatigue itself is not a condition recognized by the medical field. If the symptoms are severe enough to interfere in day-to-day life, they could be referred to as the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome but are otherwise simply referred to as “general fatigue.” If adrenal fatigue doesn’t exist, why do we know and talk about it?
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The myth of adrenal fatigue

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