mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up Special #1 Review

ssm team up special 01 With Superior Spider-Man Team-Up Special #1, the “Arms of the Octopus” crossover reaches its conclusion. The good news is that this crossover remains consistently entertaining to the end. While the art is a bit weaker than it was in the previous two chapters, writer Mike Costa is able to deliver a more action-packed and equally charming finale to the story.

Fittingly, Spider-Man himself takes center stage a bit more in this issue. Costa's depiction of Spidey stands out because he's able to make Otto more likable than he usually is while still reflecting his arrogant haughty nature. There's a sense that Otto legitimately respects his young mutant allies and cares about their well-being. The X-Men have a long, successful history of crossoing over with Spider-Man, and this storyline continues the trend.

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