mardi 29 octobre 2013

Sega Genesis 25th Anniversary Memories

On October 29, 1988, the Sega Mega Drive hit Japan and ushered in a new era of video games. By the time it hit America a year later (now called the Sega Genesis), gamers were amazed by the amount of colors the console could produce in comparison to the NES (16-bit!). After all, Sega did hit the ground running by fueling the early console war by using the slogan, "Genesis does what Nintendon't." In honor of this 25th anniversary, we reached out to some of our community members and gathered a handful of memories relating to the box that gave us Sonic the Hedgehog and blast processing.

I remember getting the Sega Genesis bundled with Sonic the Hedgehog for Christmas. It was either 1992 or 1993. I remember it having some weird slider on the top of the system, but I didn't know what it was. If I recall correctly, the system broke down or something, so my parents took it back in and got the Sega Mega Drive, which was like an updated version of the Sega Genesis. I mostly played the Sonic the Hedgehog series on the system with my sisters (they played as Tails). Later on we got this light gun called the Menacer, which was almost like a Wii, but many many years before it was released. It was pretty cool, but not the most responsive thing ever.

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via IGN All

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