jeudi 28 août 2014

Lost Soul Review

It’s been the stuff of urban movie legend for nearly 20 years… following his dismissal as director of The Island of Doctor Moreau, Richard Stanley tracked down an animal costume and returned to set as one of the beastly extras with plans to sabotage proceedings.

The story captured the imagination of film fans, buoyed by the incoherence and insanity of what ended up onscreen; the finished film a train-wreck of gargantuan proportions, paving the way for Stanley to be painted as the plucky if eccentric young artist battling the Hollywood machine.

And now director David Gregory is endeavouring to locate the truth behind the rumour, telling the tale of the madness of Moreau, in a story that proves that age-old adage that truth really is stranger than fiction, even if that fiction does feature pig-ladies.

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