mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Aquaman #25 Review

AQM_Cv25_mn3re92of7_ From the beginning of the New 52, I was holding out hope that Geoff Johns would remain on board Aquaman as long as he did Green Lantern and The Flash. Sadly, that's not to be, and issue #25 marks his final bow on the series. But while there's the definite sense that he could have done much more with the franchise, Aquaman #25 is a worthy finish to Johns' run.

After months of build-up Johns finally delivers the big showdown between Arthur and the King Atlan we've been waiting for. Between the renewed partnership between Arthur and Vulko and the return of the Trench, this issue serves nicely to tie the whole past two years together. And the resulting battle allows Johns to do what he's done so well over the course of his run - showcasing Aquaman as a hero to be feared and admired rather than mocked.

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