Who are the best characters created in the history of anime? It's a debate that has been held on Internet forums since Internet forums were invented. We thought it was time to revisit this hotly-debated topic and hopefully bring some new perspective to the conversation, so we've compiled a new list of the most original and awesome characters in Japanese animation.
There are many factors involved here: legacy, impact, recognition. But for this list, the most important factor was artistic greatness. We were looking for characters who were something special for their time; unique and powerful in their own way. But, most importantly, we selected characters who changed what we thought anime could be. Characters who weren't so special didn't make the cut, even if they're famous. Sure, there are many anime characters who are wildly famous and provide the engine for a commercial machine, but sales and marketing don't make a character great. Skillful writing, design, and ingenuity make a character great.
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