mercredi 26 février 2014

The Americans: Season 2 Premiere Review

Note: Full spoilers for The Americans: Season 2 premiere follow.

The Americans returned with Philip and Elizabeth reunited and the Jennings household once more whole - and set up a hell of a sucker punch and visceral warning to the couple about where things could lead by the end.

The opening, with Philip in the midst of an undercover mission involving Afghanistani (who were very much siding with America - 1980s flashback indeed), was a suitably brutal way to throw us back into this world. Philip is, after all, usually the more gentle and less violent of the duo at the center of this show - but when his mission is to kill some guys, he kills them. And even kills the young man working in the kitchen, whose involvement is questionable. Philip not only takes no pleasure from this, it’s something that eats at him - but the mission wins out. Once more, The Americans is a pretty fascinating look at morality and doing the right thing — or certainly what you believe to be the right thing — from a side we don’t usually follow.

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