jeudi 27 mars 2014

This Week's Comic Book Reviews

All-New Ghost Rider was bumped back to this week, but it looks like it was worth the wait. We also got the long-awaited Silver Surfer solo series and the first issue didn't disappoint. Uncanny Avengers has to be the book that consistently leaves us flabbergasted, and it looks like it's going to do that again with the way its new "Avenge the Earth" arc started. Also, the penultimate issue of Superior Spider-Man earned the highest score of the week -- a dazzling 9.4 -- showing that it is superior after all.

On the DC side of things, we got a great one-shot about Amanda "The Wall" Waller, as well as another mind-blowing installment of the gem of the Vertigo line, The Wake. This seems to be a week of getting comics we've been waiting a long time for, as yet another long-delayed book, Sandman: Overture, finally hit the stands and made a better showing than the first issue. We also got the end of the huge Forever Evil: Blight crossover in Justice League Dark, although instead of dying to know what happens, we were just dying for it to end.

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