mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Sony Submits Trademark For Arc the Lad

Fans of old PlayStation JRPGs will remember the name Arc the Lad well. It was a series of games released on both PlayStation and PlayStation 2, developed first by G-Craft (previously known for the Square game Front Mission), then by ARC Entertainment, and finally by Cattle Call.

The original Arc the Lad came to the original PlayStation in 1995 in Japan only. It was followed up by Arc the Lad II and III in 1996 and 1999 respectively. None of the games saw the light of day in the west until cult favorite (and now defunct) publisher Working Designs brought them over in a collection in 2002. Several spin-offs appeared thereafter; the final game in the core series came to PlayStation 2 in 2004 in the form of Arc the Lad: End of Darkness.

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