mardi 26 novembre 2013

Person of Interest: "The Devil's Share" Review

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow…

"I want to talk about grief."

Okay. So another home-run episode for Person of Interest. Not a "10" like last week's trauma-inducing, stomach-churning "The Crossing," but still a powerful episode full of unexpected turns and swerves that satisfied on all fronts.

"The Devil's Share" was wonderfully framed by flashbacks of Finch, Reese, Shaw, and Fusco all speaking to faceless therapists/inquisitors - and this blueprint gave the episode a tremendous kick, making it not just about Reese's wrath, but about the entire team's emotional fallout. But, for my money, nothing was better than the opening five minutes that played the entire Johnny Cash cover of "Hurt." The entire song. In fact, because it was the whole song, with no other sound, it was shot like a music video - only using slow visuals to tell the story. People walking somberly, looks of longing and despair, cars getting smashed into and rolling - made all the more painful by the slowness and the music. And finally, Reese stepping out from the truck and questioning crooks with a blood-soaked picture of Simmons. A fantastic use of many mediums to tell the story of the immediate aftermath.

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