mercredi 26 mars 2014

The Wake #7 Review

wake7 Confession time: I read a lot of comics. This may or may not come as a shock, considering I review them for a living. But it's an important detail that informs my perspective as a reviewer. I am overly familiar with the formulas and tropes that often find their way into comics, so when I say that The Wake, by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy, is doing something new and exciting, I don't mean it lightly.

Frequently, when writers or artists strive for something iconic, they create a distance in the work between the story and audience. In The Wake #7, we see that it's not impossible to build something as epic as a creation myth without sacrificing the magic of the mundane. Leeward's struggle is almost quotidian when compared to the monsters that populate her world, but it's that Everyman quality to her thoughts and actions that makes her undeniably human in a world where her species is on the verge of destruction, both from internal and external threats.

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