mercredi 26 mars 2014

The Flash #29 Review

flash29 The Flash #29 improves on the ongoing story arc that tripped up the previous issue, but the book still suffers from many of the same pitfalls. This time, writer Brian Buccellato is joined by artist Agustin Padilla, and the creative team puts forward a book that looks good even when it's plot begins to sag under its own weight.

While that criticism may sound harsh, it's not as dire as it may seem. The story behind Barry's hunt for the ghostly Keystone Killer is interesting if a bit sloppy, and having Boston Brand guest star is a promising move, but unfortunately, it doesn't quite live up to its promise. Deadman is one of the wittiest characters in DC's lineup and he's sorely underutilized here to the point where his presence doesn't really have much impact. What's more successful are the nuggets of story we're offered about Barry's family drama. We know as well as he does that his mother's death is far more complicated than the record shows, but the book's ending implies that it's even more mysterious than he realizes.

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