dimanche 31 août 2014

I Am a Dirty Screencheater and I Regret Nothing

Back in my misspent youth, my friends and I would often gather around the halved or quartered TV screen to battle it out in classic split-screen shooters like Goldeneye 64, Doom, Time Splitters or Duke Nukem 3D. Of course, whenever someone got fed up with being killed all the time, the arguments would start in earnest.

“That’s not fair, you looked at my screen!”

“I did not!”

Only you did, didn’t you? You knew it, I knew it. We all did it, secretly.

What if there was a game in which looking at your opponent’s portion of the screen was not actually cheating, but instead a vital mechanic? Step forward Screencheat, a local and online multiplayer shooter by Australian developer Samurai Punk. In this arena-based shooter, all players are invisible to their opponents which, as the name implies, makes screencheating essential in bagging those vital kills.

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