samedi 30 août 2014

Doctor Who: "Into the Dalek" Review

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

This may sound like sacrilege, but it's getting increasingly difficult to make the Daleks scary or, more importantly, interesting anymore.

Sure, if you grew up with them and have sense-memories of cowering behind the sofa in abject self-soiling childhood terror, then they'll always elicit a Pavlovian 'eep' or two. But while they're undeniably one of the Doctor's most iconic nemeses, they're also one of his most reliably beatable and singularly, predictably motivated.

Which is why 'Into the Dalek' was such a surprising success, offering the double whammy of both a new physical and surreally spiritual look into an enemy Whovians have gotten to know all too well in the 50 years since their debut.

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