mercredi 28 août 2013

The Bridge: “Vendetta” Review

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Turns out that Kenny isn’t just some peripheral character for Alma to nail, no, he’s also the insane mastermind killer our cops have been looking for all along. Possibly. He still might not be the killer - this could all be circumstantial. Maybe all he wanted was to exact revenge on his family’s murderer just this week and now he’s all better. I suppose he could have saved a bead from his wife’s necklace and it just so happens to match up with the other killings in a neat coincidence. And he could just happen to be working with Alma for quite a while now and know nothing about her connection to his old buddy Ruiz. And sure, I suppose it’s technically possible to be walking around El Paso with a different identity looking exactly like he did in his former life without ever bumping into anyone who knew him as Tate, while he expertly gets all around town to perform perfect executions. Lucky for him Ruiz never visits his wife at work - guess that’s what you get for being an absentee husband.

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