jeudi 29 août 2013

Skylanders Swap Force Comes to 3DS

Activision is definitely delivering on its promise to continue feeding Skylanders demand this fall with Skylanders Swap Force, a brand new adventure with more than enough new characters and gameplay improvements to keep fans engaged. But even if the console sequels weren't enough, the publisher today announced that n-Space is also working on a different, 3DS Swap Force game, also due out this fall. We had the chance to play through several levels of the new game and try out the new characters for ourselves.

The 3DS version follows the same basic design as the console versions. In addition to the dozens and dozens of Skylanders already out on the market, the game supports 32 brand new characters, 16 of which are composed of interchangeable upper and lower halves. These Swap Force Skylanders allow players to mix and match play styles, combining the attack powers of one figure's upper body with the movement powers of another figure's lower body. Want to be a magnet-wielding robot that bounces around on a rattlesnake tail? Or maybe a storm-flinging chicken that climbs around using octopus tentacles? You can do all of that. Me, I'm going for the magical owl with rocket boots.

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