mercredi 28 août 2013

Getaway Review

The vehicular thriller Getaway is rated PG-13 for intense action, violence and mayhem, and rude gestures — including the ones you'll flip at the screen when the end credits of this muddy, grating excuse for a car stunt movie finally start rolling.

There's B-movie promise in Getaway's ridiculous setup: Former stuntman Brent Magna (Ethan Hawke) is the victim of a Saw-esque plan, strong-armed into the driver's seat of a Shelby Mustang Super Snake and forced to wreak havoc on the streets of Sofia, Bulgaria. Magna's wife has been kidnapped, and he's only getting her back if adheres to every rule laid down by the mysterious voice (Jon Voight) on the other end of his car's on-board phone.

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