First off, apologies for missing last week’s review! Holiday weekend, yadda yadda yadda.
Second, I have a feeling I might be in the minority on this episode, but I really didn’t like how some things played out in the final act.
Last week, we learned that Leekie may be far more nefarious than he’d seemed of late, with the revelation that he’d been responsible for a fire that killed several people, including Susan Duncan. And this week, we got the quick confirmation on that. All of which was cool and elevated Leekie as a big threat and made his growing showdown with Rachel this season all the more notable.
And then… That all got thrown away. Even if Leekie had “just” run off to parts unknown, it would have seemed odd, given how the season had been progressing. But having him pushed aside by a power player, Marianne (Michelle Forbes), we’d never seen before didn’t sit right. And the moment we kept following Leekie after he ran from Dyad, it felt obvious he was going to be killed. Yes, it being an accident on Donnie’s part made for a “Whoa!” moment, but it still felt a bit cheap.