jeudi 26 septembre 2013

Parks and Recreation: Season 6 Premiere Review

Warning: Full spoilers for the Parks and Rec season premiere follow...


Sorry, but it's worth shouting from rooftops. Especially with the onslaught of mediocre new network comedies taking up precious primetime real estate this fall season. And not only was "London," Parks and Recreation's hour-long Season 6 opener (hey, remember how every season after the first almost never happened?), a triumph of whimsey and laughter, but it also totally spit in the face of the notion that a TV series should show signs of withering after a certain number of years.

But I've always maintained that the Parks characters (even/especially the grumpy ones) are just too great to run out of gas. Unlike, say, The Office, which only contained a few likable characters and then a bunch of people who I didn't enjoy spending all that much time with (hey, like most office-offices!). Another thing this Parks season premiere hard working against it before its airdate is the fact that it's a big "trip" episode - something that usually is the hallmark of a show that's out of ideas. But beating all pre-concieved notions back with a stick, "London" was remarkable.

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via IGN All

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