lundi 2 décembre 2013

Homeland: "Good Night" Review

Full spoilers follow.

“I never thought I'd be this f#@king guy.” “Me neither.”

Brody went on a journey this week on Homeland, not just a physical one -- travelling from his s#!t-hole existence of captivity in the U.S. that he found himself in recently to his s#!t-hole of captivity in Iran that he winds up in -- but also a mental one. From reserved-to-his-fate to wild-eyed freak-out and then, finally, to the new master of Saul’s operation, Brody is perhaps finally back in charge of his own destiny.

If he can survive the last two episodes of the season, that is…

At play in the fields of the Brody At play in the fields of the Brody

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