mercredi 30 juillet 2014

The Top 10 Anime Villains

Anime is a beloved art form and a remarkable link in the chain of storytelling through illustration, a tradition that goes all the way back to when cavemen first scratched out crude drawings on bare rock. We have always loved our stories, and we loved our heroes even more. But every hero must have a challenge to overcome and a cause to fight for. Batman needs the Joker. Superman needs Lex Luthor. Kirk needs Khan. Ripley needs the aliens. The heroes in our modern mythology are often defined by the actions they must take to stop the villain.

It's time we celebrated the best of the baddies, the venerable villains who left us disturbed and distraught but oddly enamored. Here's our homage to the villains who often overshadowed the heroes tasked with stopping their evil plans.

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