jeudi 25 août 2016

Racing Vests Questions??

I'm pretty new to boat racing, but getting into it.
I have to buy a proper race vest/lifejacket. I borrowed one for the last meeting I went to, but it has large buoyancy floats in the front. (I looked like Dolly Parton, and I'm only a skinny guy)
Having these on the front made it difficult driving. I could hardly turn my head, couldn't look down ay gauges, my helmet kept getting pushed up tight against the chin strap, almost trying to push it backward off my head. I had to keep pulling it back straight so I could see.
I realise that it's like that so you will float the right way up if you come out, and I guess protection from steering wheel in case of collision. But are there any other vests that aren't too high and out so far at the front.
What are other people using, and how do they find it.
I don't want to outlay 100's of $ and get something I'm not happy with, or find out later that there is something much more suited.

I'll try and add a couple of pics.
Attached Thumbnails
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Racing Vests Questions??

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