mercredi 7 août 2013

Green Lantern #23 Review

GL_Cv23_eb1qjd7y7h_-665x1024 Now that writer Robert Venditti has stuck his heels into the Green Lantern universe, we’re starting to get a much clearer picture of what kind of book this is going to be. Previously, the Guardians were a constant source of antagonism, but now with Hal in charge of the Corps, his role as leader opens up a variety of fun and intriguing avenues to explore. In a truly Hal move, he chooses to investigate a murder by himself instead of ordering one of the many Lanterns under his command to do it. Impressively -- and I say this with no slight to previous Green Lantern scribe Geoff Johns -- Venditti uses this to deliver some of the best Hal moments I’ve ever read.

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