mercredi 24 juillet 2013

The Origins of Axe Cop

Even if you're a fan of Fox's Sunday night Animation Domination lineup, it's hard to ignore the fact that it's mostly just The Simpsons and various Seth McFarlane-produced shows. What about people who crave something different? Luckily, there's a new hero in town, and he'd rather slice bad guys than make off-color references to 1980's pop culture.

His name is Axe Cop.

Axe Cop makes its official debut this Saturday as part of Fox's Animation Domination HD lineup. But the franchise has been going strong for years in the form of a web comic created by two brothers. If you're wondering what all the fuss is about and why a cop wielding an axe is so special, we're here to help. We're looking back at how this comic book phenomenon got its start and what you need to know to enjoy the animated series.

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