vendredi 27 septembre 2013

She-Hulk Gets a New Solo Title

You've seen her (and loved her) in the pages of FF as of late, but now Jennifer Walters is headed back to her own solo title at Marvel Comics. She-Hulk #1 will debut in February 2014, written by Charles Soule with art by Javier Pulido.

From Marvel's press release: "With a brand new practice, new paralegal, and a mounting number of personal enemies both super-powered and not, She-Hulk may have bitten off a bit more than she can chew…but hey, she just calls that Tuesday."

In an interview with USA Today, Soule said, "One of the things I want to explore is the fact that she wants to be exceptional at everything she does, but that's not always possible. You can spread yourself too thin. She'll be out on her own, without much of a support group at first, a total underdog trying to make good. I love stories like that — Jen's going to be very easy to root for." One interesting connection comes from the fact that Soule is a lawyer himself, so we can rest assured that the depiction of the pressures of that career will be true to life.

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