samedi 20 juillet 2013

Winter Soldier Footage Reaction

At the Marvel panel at Comic-Con this evening, we got to see Captain America put his Super Soldier skills to work, big time. But watch out -- some spoilers for Winter Soldier follow.

Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, introduced the cast of the film -- Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Frank Grillo, Cobie Smulders, and Emily VanCamp, plus directors Anthony and Joe Russo -- before showing a sizzle reel that knocked the crowd's socks off. It also knocked a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on their asses, as a matter of fact.

The first portion of the reel features Cap getting into an elevator at what appears to be S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. He's in his full S.H.I.E.L.D. style uniform, and as other agents board the elevator at different floors, Cap notices one guy sweating, another's hand sort of hanging near his holster, and so on. Something is wrong, and after the lift is full of agents (including Frank Grillo's Crossbones), he says, "Before we do this, does anyone want to get out?" Then a full-on fight breaks out, with Cap greatly outnumbered and seemingly beaten from the moment it starts -- headlocked, pinned, and getting hit with electrically charged stun sticks. One of his hands is pinned to the wall by a magnetic handcuff, but Cap still fights off his attackers with his remaining available hand. It's all quickly cut and edgy type stuff, less superhero-ish than Bourne.

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